Visualizing Uncertainty of Proteins at PacificVis 2018

Visualizing Uncertainty of Proteins at PacificVis 2018

We presented an approach for uncertainty visualization of proteins at the 11th IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium in Kōbe, Japan. In some application areas such as medical visualization or weather forecasting, uncertainty is nowadays often illustrated to enable a more informed visual analysis. However, molecular visualization rarely incorporates uncertainty, although it is present in the data.

How can we Visualize Large Amounts of Performance Data with Conventional Infovis Techniques?

How can we Visualize Large Amounts of Performance Data with Conventional Infovis Techniques?

The SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 conference was held in Bangkok. It attracted many interested visitors from industry, education and other fields. The conference is mainly about rendering, graphics and animation. However, there is also a small Symposium on Visualization (SA17VIS) for researches from visualization and more graphics intensive backgrounds to meet and exchange ideas. During this symposium we had the change to present our paper “Visual Exploration of Mainframe Workloads”.

A House Full of Science Fiction for Visualization Research

A House Full of Science Fiction for Visualization Research

Prof. Dr. Uta Hinrichs from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland visited the project group of Prof. Dr. Harald Reiterer at the University of Konstanz end of October 2017. During her stay, she held an interesting talk about ‘Visualization as a Process’ where she illustrated the benefits and drawbacks of different visualization tool paradigms on the visualization creation process and outlined how an emphasis on “process” may open up new ways of discussing the role of visualization across disciplines and contexts. After her talk she kindly was available for a short interview.

Prof. Georges Grinstein – Why is his research so important and what does he tell his grandchildren?

Prof. Georges Grinstein – Why is his research so important and what does he tell his grandchildren?

I had the chance to interview Prof. Grinstein after his talk ‘Visual Analytics: A Modern View of its Future and Research Opportunities’ at the University of Konstanz in June 2017, when he visited Prof. Daniel A. Keim and his project team within the SFB-TRR 161. In my interview he was answering questions like “Why is research in the field of computer science, data visualization and visual analytics so important?”, “What are the major risks of visualization and visual analytics in the future?”, “What do we have to teach our children to make them fit for the future world?”, or “What challenges does Georges Grinstein still have?”

Let’s Take a Brief Look Back to IEEE VIS 2017

Let’s Take a Brief Look Back to IEEE VIS 2017

Every year in autumn, researchers and practitioners from academia, government, and industry come together at IEEE VIS to explore their shared interests in tools, techniques, and technology. Among them, there was also a group of visual computing researchers from the Universities of Stuttgart and Konstanz. They visited this scientific meeting to present their newest insights and developments in the field of Visual Computing. In this blog post you find a list of the their publications presented to the international community.

China-Germany Visualization Workshop in Qingdao

China-Germany Visualization Workshop in Qingdao

The ChinaVis 2017 conference took place Qingdao from July 17th till July 19th and was hosted in the coastal city of Qingdao in the Shandong Provence. On July 16th, one day prior to the conference the China-Germany Visualization Workshop took place. The purpose of this workshop is to foster the collaboration between research groups in this field from China and Germany.