Xin Zhao from the visual computing group at Cardiff University spent three months as visiting researcher with SFB-TRR 161 project A05 at the University of Konstanz.
Three Months in the Spirit of Collaborative Research

Xin Zhao from the visual computing group at Cardiff University spent three months as visiting researcher with SFB-TRR 161 project A05 at the University of Konstanz.
Members of the SFB TRR 161 have recently participated in an “Workshop on Crowdsourcing” at the University of Konstanz. The organizers, Franz Hahn and Vlad Hosu, introduced the use of CrowdFlower for quantitative user-studies. The intention was to get participants familiar with the platform and the basic concepts of crowdsourcing for user studies. All participants were able to design and run their own hands-on experiment, to get a better feel of the challenges and benefits of crowdsourcing.