Ein Programmierkurs für Schülerinnen fand vom 22. bis 24. Juli 2024 an der Universität Konstanz statt. Angeleitet von Thomas Ningelgen lernten die Mädchen das Programmieren mit dem Editor Processing.
Programmierkurs für Schülerinnen in Konstanz

Ein Programmierkurs für Schülerinnen fand vom 22. bis 24. Juli 2024 an der Universität Konstanz statt. Angeleitet von Thomas Ningelgen lernten die Mädchen das Programmieren mit dem Editor Processing.
Eine weitere Woche Praktikum in der AG Schreiber an der Universität Konstanz.
Eine Woche Praktikum in der AG Schreiber an der Universität Konstanz
From 1st October, 2023 until 4th December, 2023 I visited Utrecht University. My local supervisor was Dr. Michael Behrisch. We conducted research about visual metaphors for Multilayer Networks (MLN) in Virtual Reality (VR).
Computer graphics is mostly associated with the creation of artificial images that resemble real photographs as close as possible. However, realistic representations usually contain more information than necessary to transmit intended information. Abstract images can be used to convey information more effectively. The field of non-photorealistic rendering focuses on the automatic creation of these expressive illustrations, often inspired by the work of real artists.
Last week (October 8-12, 2018) was a conference week for computer scientists in Stuttgart, as three main events took place co-located in space and time: the 1st International Conference on Quantification in Visual Computing (SFB-TRR 161), the 40th German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR), and the 23rd International Symposium on Vision, Modelling, and Visualization (VMV).
At SIGGRAPH Asia 2017, we presented a technical paper titled “Weighted Linde-Buzo-Gray Stippling”. With this paper, we proposed a novel approach for sampling in computer graphics. Similar to cell division in biology, we iteratively split Voronoi cells until a target density distribution, for example based on an input image, is reached.
At the end of last month, Michael Klein from 7reasons, Vienna, visited the Visualization Research Center of the University of Stuttgart (VISUS). Within the Lecture Series “Visual Computing“ carried out by the Universities of Stuttgart and Konstanz within the research project SFB-TRR 161, he gave an enlightening talk about the application of computer graphics for cultural heritage preservations.
For SIGGRAPH Asia 2016 more than six thousand people from all over the world came to Macao. For four days, the attendees of the largest annual conference in computer graphics and interactive techniques in Asia, exchanged their latest and current results in research, projects and developments in various related areas.