How to Cue and Redirect our Attention by Warning Systems

How to Cue and Redirect our Attention by Warning Systems

When designing technical solutions, developers are aware that the attentional capacity of their users is limited. Thus, it is an open question on how our limited attention can be cued and redirected by warning systems. In a recent study, Lewis Chuang and Christiane Glatz tested different warning sounds at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen. The scientists found out that certain sounds redirected our attention away from an ongoing task better than others.

Getting an Overview of the Hot Topics in Human-Vehicle Interface

Getting an Overview of the Hot Topics in Human-Vehicle Interface

My name is Alexandra Sipatchin and I am currently a neuroscience student intern at the Max Plack Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen at the Cognition and Control for Human-Machine Systems group. I attended the AutomotiveUI 2017 because I have never been to one and since I am new to the field I decided to join and have a broader overview of the hot topics in the field right now. The conference offered me a new insight over the extended and vast universe of human-vehicle interface.

Great Chance to Join AutoUI 2017

Great Chance to Join AutoUI 2017

My name is Sarah Faltaous. I am an Egyptian student in the cognitive systems master program at the University of Ulm, currently doing my master thesis at Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen. I had a great chance of joining AutoUI 2017 conference in Oldenburg as a student volunteer and also as a work-in-progress poster presenter. This granted me the opportunity of meeting a lot of people from all over the world who share with me the same automotive domain interest.

Eye Tracking – The Next Big Thing for Automatic Driving

Eye Tracking – The Next Big Thing for Automatic Driving

Nowadays a big vision of the automotive industry is autonomous driving. Since Google’s introduction of autonomously driving cars, car manufacturers, their suppliers, but also IT companies and the scientific community are excited about the upcoming revolution of transportation. The biggest advantages of autonomous driving are a higher driving comfort, and assumed the driving systems work reliably, a better driving safety. But there are many issues that have to be resolved until autonomous driving can be fully realized.

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