Vom 04. bis 08. April 2022 absolvierte Josua Weisz ein BOGY Praktikum zur Computervisualisierung linguistischer Strukturen an der Universität Konstanz.
Boosting for Visual Quality Assessment with Applications for Frame Interpolation Methods
In April 2022, Hui Men successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis with the title “Boosting for Visual Quality Assessment with Applications for Frame Interpolation Methods”.
Visual Analytics of Spatial Events: Methods for the Interactive Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Data Abstractions
In December 2021, Daniel Seebacher successfully defended his doctoral thesis on “Visual Analytics of Spatial Events: Methods for the Interactive Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Data Abstractions”.
Assessing the Applicability of Virtual Reality for Data Visualization
Matthias Kraus worked as a doctoral researcher on project A03 at the University of Konstanz. In November 2021 he successfully defended his thesis.
Performance Quantification of Visualization Systems
In December 2021, Valentin Bruder successfully defended his doctoral thesis titled “Performance Quantification of Visualization Systems”. Read more…
Situated Analytics Workshop
On November 22 and 23, an in-person workshop on Situated Analytics took place at the University of Konstanz, well attended by 22 researchers from Aarhus University, TU Graz, University of Konstanz, and University of Stuttgart.
PhD Retreat 2021 – Back to Reality
The PhD Retreat 2021 was held in-person at the Evangelische Tagungsstätte Löwenstein. For the first time, many of the PhD students of this funding period saw each other live. This is their report.
Eine Woche als BOGY Praktikant in Konstanz
Mein Name ist Matti Hajek, ich gehe in die 10. Klasse des Geschwister Scholl Gymnasiums in Stuttgart und habe mein BOGY Praktikum beim SFB-TRR 161 an der Universität Konstanz absolviert.
Mein BOGY-Praktikum an der Universität Stuttgart
Vom 08. bis 12. November 2021 absolvierte Nicholas Coledan ein Praktikum am Stuttgarter Standort des SFB-TRR 161. Auf unserem Blog erzählt er von seinen Eindrücken.
The Cyber Valley Cluster and Entrepreneurship Support at the University of Stuttgart
Tobias Dürr, Marcel Werle, Philipp Häßler, and Dr. Ferran Giones Valls joined the SFB-TRR 161 lecture series and gave an overview of interesting transfer projects and entrepreneurship support opportunities for early stage researchers. For our blog, they summarize their central points.