The annual Workshop on Theory and Practice of Provenance (TaPP) gathers the international and interdisciplinary provenance community to present and discuss novel research and practical applications of provenance. This year, TaPP was hosted by the University of Washington in Seattle from June 22 to June 23, 2017.
Visual Analysis Insights at EuroVA in Barcelona
The 8th International EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA) has once again been a successful venue for Visual Analytics (VA) research. EuroVA was co-located with the EuroVis conference in Barcelona. The workshop stands for an open forum in which new researchers in the field and established seniors can discuss their latest contributions with a well-established audience.
A Question of Health: Eye-Head Coordination While Walking
In cooperation with the Robert Bosch Krankenhaus (RBK) in Stuttgart (Germany), we have analyzed eye-head coordination while walking in healthy participants and patients with neurodegenerative diseases. Proper coordination is essential for body balance and thus health. Injuries and other consequences from keeling over can impair quality of life massively. Often, old people never get on their feet again when breaking a leg or hip.
BOGY an der Universität Konstanz
Ich habe mein BOGY an der Universität Konstanz im Bereich „Computer Vision and Image Analysis“ absolviert. Meine BOGY Woche begann am 24. März um 10 Uhr. Alle BOGYs trafen sich zusammen mit ihren jeweiligen Tutoren und lernten sich kennen. Nachdem uns grob unterschiedliche Aufgaben der einzelnen Bereiche vorgestellt wurden, welche sehr interessant waren, folgten wir unserem jeweiligen Tutor an unseren Arbeitsplatz.
Netherlands – Video Coding and Processing Summer School
Organized by the RWTH Aachen University, together with the researchers from RWTH Aachen University, Leibniz University of Hannover, University of Bristol, etc., the 3dt Summer School on Video Compression and Processing (SVCP) was held at Abdij Rolduc (Kerkrade, Netherlands) from 3th to 5th July. In this three days’ summer school, people in the area of video coding and processing exchanged knowledge and ideas.
Virtual City Models – UBISS 2017 Workshop in Oulu, Finland
From June 12nd-17th, the 8th International UBI Summer School (UBISS) 2017 took place at the University of Oulu, Finland. The summer school comprised four parallel 6-day workshops. Prof. Norbert Haala and me from the University of Stuttgart visited Oulu as instructors of one of the four workshops – Virtual City Models.
Another Report from CHI 2017
In May we had the pleasure to attend this year’s CHI conference in Denver, Colorado, USA. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) is the top conference for research on Human-Computer Interaction. It brings together thousands of international top researchers from academia as well as from industry. Several members of the University of Konstanz and the SFB-TRR 161 contributed in various ways to the conference.
BOGY-Internship at SFB-TRR 161
From April 24th to 28th, I took part in a BOGY-Internship at SFB-TRR 161. I was assigned to Mr. Kölbl’s team at the University of Konstanz who is working on an implementation of a model checker for creating so-called fault trees which are supposed to help spotting potential errors in safety-critical systems.
Impression from EuroVis 2017
This year’s EuroVis, one of the most important visualization conferences in Europe, as well as many co-located events took place in Barcelona, Spain. Despite outside temperatures of well beyond 30°C, the attendees enjoyed many interesting talks on the latest visualization research topics and discussed them with researchers in the field from all over the world.
Towards Language-Aware Interfaces – Presentation at CHI 17
With an increasingly globalized world, the language barrier problem becomes more prominent. And thus, inhibits proper interaction between not only humans but also information interfaces in the respective country. Navigating an interface in an unfamiliar language can be challenging and cumbersome. More often than not, poorly accessible language menu are of little to no help. Implicitly inferring a user’s language proficiency helps relieving customer frustration and boosts the user experience of the system. The following image shows a sketch of such a language-aware interface.