In summer, I was at Facebook/Oculus in Redmond (USA). My internship was in the perceptual science group at Oculus Research. My work was closely related to my thesis topic as well as to my work in the SFB-TRR 161 at the Institute for Visualization and Interactive Systems, University of Stuttgart (Germany). I was responsible for the development of a study design, the experimental apparatus, and conducting a user study in virtual reality to investigate the effect of virtual hands on tactile perception.
Interleaving – A Novel Concept for Visually Scalable Dynamic Graph Visualization
Many applications exist that deal with relations, between people in a social network, between functions in a software system, or between cities in a transportation network. Typically, such relations are not static, but they are changing more or less frequently over time. This means the social contacts of people may differ from time to time, the function calls may change if new components are implemented, or routes may be blocked due to traffic jams or bad weather conditions.
Second Instance of the Doctoral Retreat
The second instance of the doctoral retreat took – again – place at the Waldhotel Zollernblick in the beautiful Black Forest from the 4th to 6th of September. The goal of the retreat was to discuss research and collaboration within the SFB-TRR 161 in a relaxed atmosphere.
Getting an Overview of the Hot Topics in Human-Vehicle Interface
My name is Alexandra Sipatchin and I am currently a neuroscience student intern at the Max Plack Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen at the Cognition and Control for Human-Machine Systems group. I attended the AutomotiveUI 2017 because I have never been to one and since I am new to the field I decided to join and have a broader overview of the hot topics in the field right now. The conference offered me a new insight over the extended and vast universe of human-vehicle interface.
Great Chance to Join AutoUI 2017
My name is Sarah Faltaous. I am an Egyptian student in the cognitive systems master program at the University of Ulm, currently doing my master thesis at Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen. I had a great chance of joining AutoUI 2017 conference in Oldenburg as a student volunteer and also as a work-in-progress poster presenter. This granted me the opportunity of meeting a lot of people from all over the world who share with me the same automotive domain interest.
Prof. Georges Grinstein – Why is his research so important and what does he tell his grandchildren?
I had the chance to interview Prof. Grinstein after his talk ‘Visual Analytics: A Modern View of its Future and Research Opportunities’ at the University of Konstanz in June 2017, when he visited Prof. Daniel A. Keim and his project team within the SFB-TRR 161. In my interview he was answering questions like “Why is research in the field of computer science, data visualization and visual analytics so important?”, “What are the major risks of visualization and visual analytics in the future?”, “What do we have to teach our children to make them fit for the future world?”, or “What challenges does Georges Grinstein still have?”
Let’s Take a Brief Look Back to IEEE VIS 2017
Every year in autumn, researchers and practitioners from academia, government, and industry come together at IEEE VIS to explore their shared interests in tools, techniques, and technology. Among them, there was also a group of visual computing researchers from the Universities of Stuttgart and Konstanz. They visited this scientific meeting to present their newest insights and developments in the field of Visual Computing. In this blog post you find a list of the their publications presented to the international community.
Intensive Exchange about Uncertainty Visualization in Konstanz
In July 2017 I joined the workshop Uncertainty Visualization – From Uncertain Data to Uncertainty Theory at the University of Konstanz. The aim of the workshop was to discuss the possibility to quantify the extend of perceived uncertainty transported by a visualisation.
China-Germany Visualization Workshop in Qingdao
The ChinaVis 2017 conference took place Qingdao from July 17th till July 19th and was hosted in the coastal city of Qingdao in the Shandong Provence. On July 16th, one day prior to the conference the China-Germany Visualization Workshop took place. The purpose of this workshop is to foster the collaboration between research groups in this field from China and Germany.
Presenting HistoBankVis at NoDaLiDa 2017
This year, the Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics (NoDaLiDa) took place from 22-24th May in Gothenburg, Sweden. The 21st edition of NoDaLiDa was also the 40th anniversary of the conference which was celebrated by 184 participants from all over the world.