The comment feature of this Visual Computing BLOG provides the opportunity to enrich our blog with opinions and constructive criticism. Our purpose is to have a fair and objective discussion in a friendly conversation climate.

In order to ensure this fair dialogue, we have set up a few simple rules:

  • State your case objectively and avoid personal attacks.
  • Please write your comments in English or German. Exchange of opinions is meaningful only if your contributions can be understood by the Community.
  • Comments and links to commercial or private providers of goods or services and the abuse of the comment feature as advertising space is prohibited.
If any of the following occurs, comments will be deleted:
  • Comments which are not in German or English
  • Racism and hate propaganda
  • Pornography
  • Incitement to violence against persons, institutions or companies
  • All forms of insult or degradation of persons
  • Violations of third-party rights, in particular copyrights
  • Calls to demonstrations as well as all forms of political debate
  • Comments which are not in German or English
  • Quotations or text snippets without specifying a source or author
  • Comments without reference to the topic being commented on
  • Multipart posts.

Violations of these guidelines will not be tolerated.  We reserve the right to delete, edit, move or, if needed, to close the comments function on topics or contributions.

The comments on our topics reflect the opinion of individual readers only. The SFB-TRR 161 accepts no liability whatsoever for the accuracy and completeness of the contents.



Changes and additions to these guidelines without prior notice.

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