Research Stay at the University of Oregon in Eugene

Research Stay at the University of Oregon in Eugene

Last summer, I went for a three month research stay at the University of Oregon in Eugene, OR, USA. I closely collaborated with the research group on Computing and Data Understanding at eXtreme Scale (CDUX) led by Hank Childs. Their work is closely related to my research within the SFB-TRR 161 at the Visualization Research Center at the University of Stuttgart. In the collaborative project, we worked on performance prediction in hybrid in situ environments.

From Ontario to Konstanz – My Three Months Research Stay

From Ontario to Konstanz – My Three Months Research Stay

I’m a PhD student at University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) in Canada, where I belong to the visualization for information analytics laboratory (vialab). In this past summer, I had the amazing opportunity to spend 3 months in the University of Konstanz working closely with the Data Analytics and the Computational Linguistic groups.

Research Internship at Oculus in Redmond

Research Internship at Oculus in Redmond

In summer, I was at Facebook/Oculus in Redmond (USA). My internship was in the perceptual science group at Oculus Research. My work was closely related to my thesis topic as well as to my work in the SFB-TRR 161 at the Institute for Visualization and Interactive Systems, University of Stuttgart (Germany). I was responsible for the development of a study design, the experimental apparatus, and conducting a user study in virtual reality to investigate the effect of virtual hands on tactile perception.

PhD Students Met in Austria

PhD Students Met in Austria

Together with the Human-Computer-Interaction Group of the University of Stuttgart, the SFB-TRR 161 organized a Winter School in February at Söllerhaus (Kleinwalsertal, Austria). During this three days seminar several visual computing scientists from the University of Stuttgart and the University of Konstanz could intensify their scientific cooperation, exchange their knowledge and talk about their new findings in their projects work. All of the PhD students gave talks and did some demonstrations.

Summer School in Ísafjörður, Iceland

Summer School in Ísafjörður, Iceland

I am working on the diachrony of case and word order in Indo-European languages. More precisely, I am conducting a corpus linguistic and visual analytic study of dative subjects in Icelandic. During my work I noticed, that I need more knowledge about Icelandic in order to fully understand and cope with the erroneous annotations in Icelandic Parsed Historical Corpus and to improve the qualitative part of the data analysis. In August I attended a three weeks Icelandic summer school, including an intensive language course at the University of the Westfjords in Ísafjörður, Iceland.