Last week (October 8-12, 2018) was a conference week for computer scientists in Stuttgart, as three main events took place co-located in space and time: the 1st International Conference on Quantification in Visual Computing (SFB-TRR 161), the 40th German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR), and the 23rd International Symposium on Vision, Modelling, and Visualization (VMV).
Symposium on Big Data Visual and Immersive Analytics in Konstanz
The 4th International BDVA (Big Data Visual and Immersive Analytics) 2018 Symposium is a well-established scientific meeting that covers the area of Visual Analytics and Immersive Analytics of Big Data. The international symposium will be the first time held out of Australia at the University of Konstanz on October 17 – 19, 2018. BDVA 2018 offers researchers with the opportunity to be part of an exciting programme with internationally renowned keynote speakers, special sessions, and Workshops.
Mal fliegen wie ein Vogel!
Mit Hilfe von VR-Ferngläsern ist das zur Zeit auf der Konstanzer Insel Mainau in der Ausstellung „Vom Bodensee nach Afrika – mit ICARUS auf Langstrecke“ möglich! An verschiedenen Stationen kann man hier die Entwicklungen in der Tierbeobachtung nachvollziehen und sich interaktiv über aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse informieren.
Visual Analysis of Urban Traffic Data – EuroVis 2018 Workshop
This years conference on visualization EuroVis 2018 took place from 4th June till 8th June. Besides the excellent works presented at the conference, there were lots of possibilities to discuss topics with people from diverse areas and to meet new people from various domains worth exchanging experiences.
About Data Provenance and Annotation in Computational Linguistics
At the end of January, Miriam Butt, Melanie Herschel, and Christin Schätzle (members of projects D02 and D03 of the SFB/Transregio 161) organized a workshop on Data Provenance and Annotation in Computational Linguistics in Prague, co-located with the Treebanks and Lingustic Theory (TLT16) conference.
Weighted Linde-Buzo-Gray Stippling
At SIGGRAPH Asia 2017, we presented a technical paper titled “Weighted Linde-Buzo-Gray Stippling”. With this paper, we proposed a novel approach for sampling in computer graphics. Similar to cell division in biology, we iteratively split Voronoi cells until a target density distribution, for example based on an input image, is reached.
Visualizing Uncertainty of Proteins at PacificVis 2018
We presented an approach for uncertainty visualization of proteins at the 11th IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium in Kōbe, Japan. In some application areas such as medical visualization or weather forecasting, uncertainty is nowadays often illustrated to enable a more informed visual analysis. However, molecular visualization rarely incorporates uncertainty, although it is present in the data.
EMMCVPR – Research on Variational Optical Flow Estimation
Last year the EMMCVPR took place in Venice. During the conference we had the opportunity to presented our recent works on variational optical flow estimation in the context of large displacements and illumination changes. Meantime our results have been published!
Results from my Research Stay at InnoVis in Calgary
During my research stay at InnoVis, University of Calgary, Canada I worked with Lindsay MacDonald Vermeulen, Jo Vermeulen, Charles Perin, Wesley Willett, Thomas Ertl, and Sheelagh Carpendale on a project, which recently was accepted to the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
Physical Computing and Biosensing Hackathon in Lancaster
On Wednesday September 20th, Jakob Karolus and me ran a Physical Computing and Biosensing Hackathon within the context of the AffecTech training week in Lancaster. In this day-long event, 15 AffecTech Ph.D. students with backgrounds ranging from Clinical Psychology to Human-Computer Interaction worked in multidisciplinary groups to create systems that support people coping with emotional and affective conditions.