At the end of January, Miriam Butt, Melanie Herschel, and Christin Schätzle (members of projects D02 and D03 of the SFB/Transregio 161) organized a workshop on Data Provenance and Annotation in Computational Linguistics in Prague, co-located with the Treebanks and Lingustic Theory (TLT16) conference.
Weighted Linde-Buzo-Gray Stippling
At SIGGRAPH Asia 2017, we presented a technical paper titled “Weighted Linde-Buzo-Gray Stippling”. With this paper, we proposed a novel approach for sampling in computer graphics. Similar to cell division in biology, we iteratively split Voronoi cells until a target density distribution, for example based on an input image, is reached.
Visualizing Uncertainty of Proteins at PacificVis 2018
We presented an approach for uncertainty visualization of proteins at the 11th IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium in Kōbe, Japan. In some application areas such as medical visualization or weather forecasting, uncertainty is nowadays often illustrated to enable a more informed visual analysis. However, molecular visualization rarely incorporates uncertainty, although it is present in the data.
Visual Computing an Bord der MS Wissenschaft
Diese Woche startete die MS Wissenschaft ihre Tour in Berlin-Mitte. Mit an Bord des Ausstellungsschiffes ist ein Touch-Tisch der Universität Stuttgart und Universität Konstanz, an dem man erfahren kann, wie der nachhaltige Fortschritt durch Visual Computing unsere zukünftige Arbeitswelt beeinflusst.
EMMCVPR – Research on Variational Optical Flow Estimation
Last year the EMMCVPR took place in Venice. During the conference we had the opportunity to presented our recent works on variational optical flow estimation in the context of large displacements and illumination changes. Meantime our results have been published!
Physical Computing and Biosensing Hackathon in Lancaster
On Wednesday September 20th, Jakob Karolus and me ran a Physical Computing and Biosensing Hackathon within the context of the AffecTech training week in Lancaster. In this day-long event, 15 AffecTech Ph.D. students with backgrounds ranging from Clinical Psychology to Human-Computer Interaction worked in multidisciplinary groups to create systems that support people coping with emotional and affective conditions.
How can we Visualize Large Amounts of Performance Data with Conventional Infovis Techniques?
The SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 conference was held in Bangkok. It attracted many interested visitors from industry, education and other fields. The conference is mainly about rendering, graphics and animation. However, there is also a small Symposium on Visualization (SA17VIS) for researches from visualization and more graphics intensive backgrounds to meet and exchange ideas. During this symposium we had the change to present our paper “Visual Exploration of Mainframe Workloads”.
Research Results from Tübingen, Konstanz and Stuttgart accepted at CHI 2018
Each year in December, senior Human-Computer Interaction researchers meet to discuss the articles submitted to the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (or in short CHI). CHI is the most important venue for research on Human-Computer Interaction and covers a broad range of research from understanding people, via novel interaction techniques to visualization. This year, over 300 researchers came to Montreal and discussed the articles submitted to CHI 2018. With Harald Reiterer and me, two associate chairs from Konstanz and Stuttgart participated in the meeting. CHI only accepts about 25% of the submissions after a rigorous peer review process. With 16 accepted publications, the groups participating in SFB-TRR 161 from Konstanz, Tübingen, and Stuttgart have been very successful and are happy about how well their submissions have been received.
Demonstrating Calw Virtual Reality App at VSMM 2017
The International Society on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia (VSMM) held its 23rd International Conference in Dublin/Ireland and Belfast/Northern Ireland, on October 30th to November 5th, 2017. In total, about 150 participants enjoyed an exciting program, consisting of Workshops and Conference tracks in Dublin, and Special Workshops and Cultural Tours in Belfast. The VSMM Society launched its conferences 23 years ago in Japan, in the early stages of Virtual Reality applications. Since then, it brings together leading researchers in the application of digital media, mobile, and virtual and augmented reality technology together with users across a diverse community.
Impressions from MUM 2017 in Stuttgart
This year, the 16th International Conference for Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM 2017) was held at the University of Stuttgart. Researchers from all around the world met from November 26th to 29th to present and discuss their latest work. Its single track program featured presentations about several topics from the cutting edge of research in Human Computer Interaction, along an art exposition, a Doctoral Consortium, posters sessions, workshops and tutorials.