Working with MagicLeap One Technology in New Zealand

Working with MagicLeap One Technology in New Zealand

Between the 11th until 15th of February I attended the Augmented Reality Summer School at the University of Auckland, in New Zealand. There, I had the opportunity to use the MagicLeap One, a sophisticated Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Display (OST-HMD) device. I enjoyed the trip and came back home very inspired to continue with my research activities.

Second Sino-German Workshop on Visualization

Second Sino-German Workshop on Visualization

The second Sino-German Workshop on visualization was held in the Estrel hotel, Berlin, Germany on 21st, October 2018, co-located with IEEE VIS 2018. This workshop aimed at bringing together German and Chinese researchers in the field of visualization and was co-organized by Prof. Yunhai Wang from Shandong University, China, and me. Over 40 participants from German and Chinese Universities including University of Konstanz, University of Stuttgart, University of Bonn, Shandong University, Zhejiang University, and Peking University were brought together.

IEEE VIS 2018 Meets Berlin

IEEE VIS 2018 Meets Berlin

From October 21 to 26, IEEE VIS 2018, the largest international conference on scientific visualization, information visualization and visual analytics, took place. This year’s VisWeek was located the very first time in Germany and the second time outside the United States. I attended the conference together with many other researchers from Stuttgart, from the Visualization Research Centre (VISUS) and the Institute for Visualization and Interactive Systems (VIS). We had the opportunity to present and discuss our current research and to get in touch with other researchers and exchange ideas.

Computer Science Conference Week in Stuttgart

Computer Science Conference Week in Stuttgart

Last week (October 8-12, 2018) was a conference week for computer scientists in Stuttgart, as three main events took place co-located in space and time: the 1st International Conference on Quantification in Visual Computing (SFB-TRR 161), the 40th German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR), and the 23rd International Symposium on Vision, Modelling, and Visualization (VMV).

Symposium on Big Data Visual and Immersive Analytics in Konstanz

Symposium on Big Data Visual and Immersive Analytics in Konstanz

The 4th International BDVA (Big Data Visual and Immersive Analytics) 2018 Symposium is a well-established scientific meeting that covers the area of Visual Analytics and Immersive Analytics of Big Data. The international symposium will be the first time held out of Australia at the University of Konstanz on October 17 – 19, 2018. BDVA 2018 offers researchers with the opportunity to be part of an exciting programme with internationally renowned keynote speakers, special sessions, and Workshops.