In December 2021, Valentin Bruder successfully defended his doctoral thesis titled “Performance Quantification of Visualization Systems”. Read more…
Performance Quantification of Visualization Systems

In December 2021, Valentin Bruder successfully defended his doctoral thesis titled “Performance Quantification of Visualization Systems”. Read more…
Last summer, I went for a three month research stay at the University of Oregon in Eugene, OR, USA. I closely collaborated with the research group on Computing and Data Understanding at eXtreme Scale (CDUX) led by Hank Childs. Their work is closely related to my research within the SFB-TRR 161 at the Visualization Research Center at the University of Stuttgart. In the collaborative project, we worked on performance prediction in hybrid in situ environments.
This year’s EuroVis, one of the most important visualization conferences in Europe, as well as many co-located events took place in Barcelona, Spain. Despite outside temperatures of well beyond 30°C, the attendees enjoyed many interesting talks on the latest visualization research topics and discussed them with researchers in the field from all over the world.
For SIGGRAPH Asia 2016 more than six thousand people from all over the world came to Macao. For four days, the attendees of the largest annual conference in computer graphics and interactive techniques in Asia, exchanged their latest and current results in research, projects and developments in various related areas.