Visualizing Uncertainty of Proteins at PacificVis 2018

Visualizing Uncertainty of Proteins at PacificVis 2018

We presented an approach for uncertainty visualization of proteins at the 11th IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium in Kōbe, Japan. In some application areas such as medical visualization or weather forecasting, uncertainty is nowadays often illustrated to enable a more informed visual analysis. However, molecular visualization rarely incorporates uncertainty, although it is present in the data.

A Question of Health: Eye-Head Coordination While Walking

A Question of Health: Eye-Head Coordination While Walking

In cooperation with the Robert Bosch Krankenhaus (RBK) in Stuttgart (Germany), we have analyzed eye-head coordination while walking in healthy participants and patients with neurodegenerative diseases. Proper coordination is essential for body balance and thus health. Injuries and other consequences from keeling over can impair quality of life massively. Often, old people never get on their feet again when breaking a leg or hip.