Great Chance to Join AutoUI 2017

Great Chance to Join AutoUI 2017

My name is Sarah Faltaous. I am an Egyptian student in the cognitive systems master program at the University of Ulm, currently doing my master thesis at Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen. I had a great chance of joining AutoUI 2017 conference in Oldenburg as a student volunteer and also as a work-in-progress poster presenter. This granted me the opportunity of meeting a lot of people from all over the world who share with me the same automotive domain interest.

Prof. Georges Grinstein – Why is his research so important and what does he tell his grandchildren?

Prof. Georges Grinstein – Why is his research so important and what does he tell his grandchildren?

I had the chance to interview Prof. Grinstein after his talk ‘Visual Analytics: A Modern View of its Future and Research Opportunities’ at the University of Konstanz in June 2017, when he visited Prof. Daniel A. Keim and his project team within the SFB-TRR 161. In my interview he was answering questions like “Why is research in the field of computer science, data visualization and visual analytics so important?”, “What are the major risks of visualization and visual analytics in the future?”, “What do we have to teach our children to make them fit for the future world?”, or “What challenges does Georges Grinstein still have?”

Report from IEEE PacificVis 2017

Report from IEEE PacificVis 2017

In the second half of April, I had the pleasure to attend the 10th IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium, usually called “PacificVis”, that was hosted this year by the Seoul National University in South Korea. I gave a talk at PacificVis about our Notes paper “Implicit Sphere Shadow Maps”. It presents a way to render high-quality soft shadows for particle data sets in real time.

Summer School in Ísafjörður, Iceland

Summer School in Ísafjörður, Iceland

I am working on the diachrony of case and word order in Indo-European languages. More precisely, I am conducting a corpus linguistic and visual analytic study of dative subjects in Icelandic. During my work I noticed, that I need more knowledge about Icelandic in order to fully understand and cope with the erroneous annotations in Icelandic Parsed Historical Corpus and to improve the qualitative part of the data analysis. In August I attended a three weeks Icelandic summer school, including an intensive language course at the University of the Westfjords in Ísafjörður, Iceland.

A Short Research Trip to VISUS

A Short Research Trip to VISUS

This summer was a bit different to me than for the rest of my colleagues at Visual Analytics and Imaging (VAI) Lab Stony Brook University and SUNY Korea, as I spent it in Visualization Research Center of the University of Stuttgart (VISUS) for a short research trip. I got this opportunity through the PhD fellowship program, offered by the Transregional Collaborative Research Center (SFR-TRR) 161. I carried out my research in Stuttgart, with many Ph.D.’s and Post-Doc’s at single place and which was definitely a learning experience for me. The whole experience was very different for me but indeed fruitful.

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