Xin Zhao from the visual computing group at Cardiff University spent three months as visiting researcher with SFB-TRR 161 project A05 at the University of Konstanz.
DR4ET Hackathon – Dimensionality Reductions for Eye-tracking
From January 30 to February 1, 2024, a group of SFB-TRR 161 researchers gathered in Stuttgart for our first hackathon. Their aim: developing visualization tools for eye-tracking data analysis with a focus on dimensionality reduction techniques.
Improve Image Compression by Using Human Visual Attention Property
Humans are the end users of visual media. Therefore, in order to develop an effective quantitative assessment of visual computing quality, one must take into account how humans perceive visual quality. For example, in image compression, an adaptive bitrate allocation that favors the image foreground can be expected to increase the visual quality of decoded images.