I’m a PhD student at University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) in Canada, where I belong to the visualization for information analytics laboratory (vialab). In this past summer, I had the amazing opportunity to spend 3 months in the University of Konstanz working closely with the Data Analytics and the Computational Linguistic groups.

This experience has allowed me to meet so many brilliant researchers and get exposed to a huge variety of interesting projects being developed by both groups. Meanwhile, I was able to work on a data analytics tool to help Linguists who work with Second Language Acquisition and English Transfer Effects.

Out tool aims to display hierarchical linguistic features extracted from a large learner corpora. Besides linguists, language tutors can also benefit from the project by being able to identify first language related English issues on a collection of essays. Furthermore, we ran an expert study with a number of linguists and tutors to validate the usefulness of our solution. We also hope to be able to share our results in a publication very soon!

Overall, I am very glad for this experience and I would like to thank every researcher and staff members who guided me through this wonderful journey. I also thank the SFB-TRR 161 for the support and funding.

From Ontario to Konstanz – My Three Months Research Stay

Mariana Shimabukuro is a PhD student from the Vialab (Visualization for Information Analytics Laboratory) at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) who visited SFB project groups D02 and A03. Her research interests are language learning, data visualization, HCI, recommendation systems, robotics and education.

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