During December 2017, I have visited Prof. Dietmar Saupe’s group at the University of Konstanz, Germany. In my first week I had the chance to give a talk about Image quality assessment based on visual perception as part of the Lecture Series “Visual Computing” of the SFB-TRR 161.

During the month I was mainly working on the image quality assessment of differently distorted images. My task was to identify the kind of and level of distortions and predict the perceptual quality of these images with the help of Deep-Learning and predicted distortions. I thoroughly enjoyed working with Prof. Saupe and living in the beautiful Konstanz. I am also thankful to Dr. Vlad Hosu and Dr. Hanhe Lin for making my Konstanz visit comfortable and fruitful. I remember sitting with Prof. Saupe, Dr. Hosu and Dr. Lin and openly cultivating ideas.
Looking forward to visiting the University of Konstanz in near future.