As I always wanted to be a programmer, I decided to do my internship at the Visualization Research Center at the University of Stuttgart. The reason for my choice was to gain as much experience as possible about working as a programmer.
From Monday 23rd October to Friday 27th October 2017, the BOGY took place in Baden-Württemberg for all students in the 10th grade. In this week, every student works in a company or in an educational institution like in my case. This week helps to make the later professional decision easier.

During my internship at the Visualization Research Center, I learned the basics of the programming language Java and I saw lots of impressive stuff like the VISUS-Powerwall, which is used to look closely at models in high quality. I also got the opportunity to go to lectures and colloquia as a student.
The friendliness of the other persons working in the research project impressed me positively.