My name is Alexandra Sipatchin and I am currently a neuroscience student intern at the Max Plack Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen at the Cognition and Control for Human-Machine Systems group.
I attended the AutomotiveUI 2017 because I have never been to one and since I am new to the field I decided to join and have a broader overview of the hot topics in the field right now. The conference offered me a new insight over the extended and vast universe of human-vehicle interface. I listened to lots of new and refreshing inputs and I have learned to think of new approaches. It a very creative environment.

I really liked the workshop on User-Centered Design for Automated Driving Systems, since there was a lot of brainstorming with a lot of different topics and experts from their field. During this workshop I felt that the scientific area connected with the industry. It was very interesting to discuss ideas and challenging topics with both people from science and from the industry. I really liked the discussions we had with Prof. Stephen Brewster and I found very interesting the talk by Wendy Ju on the so called ‘ghost car’ that opened up new considerations from the pedestrians’ prospective of a fully automated car. Another interesting talk was the one held by Prof. Dr. Gordon Pipa over the ethics of self driving-cars. During this talk I realized that another point we should start considering are also ethics. Technology goes fast and we should be prepared as well.