In May we had the pleasure to attend this year’s CHI conference in Denver, Colorado, USA. The ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) is the top conference for research on Human-Computer Interaction. It brings together thousands of international top researchers from academia as well as from industry.

Several members of the University of Konstanz and the SFB-TRR 161 contributed in various ways to the conference. Besides receiving an honorable mention award for the paper Is Two Enough?! Studying Benefits, Barriers, and Biases of Multi-Tablet Use for Collaborative Visualization and Jens Müller’s talk on Remote Collaboration With Mixed Reality Displays: How Shared Virtual Landmarks Facilitate Spatial Referencing, Ulrike Pfeil and me presented our paper on Memory in Motion: The Influence of Gesture- and Touch-Based Input Modalities on Spatial Memory.
The paper reports results from an experiment, where participants had to navigate to spatially spread symbols and recall their positions afterwards. The results show that participants engage in different interaction strategies when working with different input modalities. Feel free to read the paper, use the task for your own experiment, or watch the video of the talk.