We are currently running an online study in the field of graph visualization. We hypothesize an optimum in the ratio of node size and edge width in node-link-diagrams. This study is wrapped in two online games, which are based on such node-link-diagrams. Here, we still need more played games. You do not need to have special knowledge about Graph Theory or similar, you only need to operate your mouse.

In the Planarity Shannon Game, you need to rearrange the nodes (circles) of a graph so that no more edges (lines) cross and afterwards play a path finding game on the resulting graph. In the Scotland Graph Game you need to hop from node to node in order to escape your enemies.

Online Study Graph Visualization

There is a highscore table for each game and at the end of the study. The top five of each game win Amazon vouchers at a total value of 150 € (for both games in total).

Help us to get more played games! Just participate on

Online Study in Graph Visualization – Participants wanted!

Research assistant at the Human Computer Interface group at the Institute for Visualization and Interactive Systems, University of Stuttgart.

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