Yao Wang successfully defended his PhD thesis on November 5th, 2024. For our blog, he summarizes his research on understanding and predicting human visual attention.
Analysis and Modelling of Visual Attention on Information Visualisations

Yao Wang successfully defended his PhD thesis on November 5th, 2024. For our blog, he summarizes his research on understanding and predicting human visual attention.
In October 2023, Fiona Draxler from LMU, Munich successfully defended her PhD thesis. Read more about it!
Members of various SFB-TRR 161 projects came together and offered a Unity Crash Course at the University of Konstanz in October 2024.
On the first of July this year I successfully defended my PhD Thesis with the title Quasi Continuous Level Monte Carlo Method (1) and I am happy to share my work on the SFB-TRR 161 blog.
Ein Programmierkurs für Schülerinnen fand vom 22. bis 24. Juli 2024 an der Universität Konstanz statt. Angeleitet von Thomas Ningelgen lernten die Mädchen das Programmieren mit dem Editor Processing.
Eine weitere Woche Praktikum in der AG Schreiber an der Universität Konstanz.
Read about the third edition of the workshop Women* in Computing that took place on July 4, 2024 in Munich.
Sophia Pampel besuchte für ihr BOGY-Praktikum drei Tage lang Projekte des SFB-TRR 161 im Fachbereich Informatik und Informationswissenschaft an der Universität Konstanz.
From May to July 2023, doctoral researcher Katrin Angerbauer went to London for her research stay abroad. On our blog, she writes about her experience of going abroad as a disabled researcher.
From January 30 to February 1, 2024, a group of SFB-TRR 161 researchers gathered in Stuttgart for our first hackathon. Their aim: developing visualization tools for eye-tracking data analysis with a focus on dimensionality reduction techniques.